On the back of what seems to be a ‘roll’ for us regarding interesting products coming into Studiowide; we have just completed more professional photography for another new client. This time the images are destined for use on websites and packaging. The project was for a local, and pretty cool, company called BEEcycle, based in Liverpool. These guys are extremely innovative when it comes to creating and providing solutions to solving the problem of waste.

BEEcycle required our services for professional photography of their Beanstalk Pods. The Beanstalk Pod grows without the need for soil or watering. Almost zero effort is required to magically grow a beanstalk containing a bean with a special message of your choice.

There are a total of 4 different coloured beads that you can use; blue, green, yellow and red. We had to photograph each set of coloured beads in the pod and a varying amount of beads and seeds scattered next to it. Overall, we took a series of 8 photographs for the client.

This shoot was a little tricky compared to our usual professional photography projects, as the Beanstalk Pod is made of transparent plastic. This meant that once we applied the necessary studio lights to create the required lighting, we had to diffuse with constant lighting in order to keep the light reflections to a minimum, whilst still keeping the item sufficiently lit.

As with all projects of this type; when you shine studio lights directly onto a transparent and ‘very’ shiny item, you naturally get copious amounts of glare and reflections – our role as professional photographers is to overcome problems like this. In this instance, we achieved the right outcome by reflecting from whiteboards, back onto the far side of the plastic dome, whilst also using the white backdrop as a diffuser. This process made it much easier to photograph the Beanstalk Pod correctly and achieve the desired result.

If you get a chance then we recommend taking a look at the Beanstalk Pod website, it’ll make a great gift. More importantly though, if you’re interested in finding out how our professional photography service can help you, then don’t hesitate to get in touch!