Marketing Strategy Archives | Studiowide

The Key Elements of a Successful Strategic Marketing Plan

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, having a well-defined strategic marketing plan is essential. It’s the compass that guides your business through the dynamic landscape of the marketplace. 

Running Your Company on Autopilot

Here’s a question for you. If you disappeared for six months – leaving everyone and everything behind – when you came back,

Sustainability Branding

How Sustainability Branding is Redefining Corporate Identity

In the face of a rapidly changing world, sustainability branding is no longer a big-brand luxury but a must-have for most businesses.

innovative marketing strategies

Innovative Marketing Strategies for the Modern Business

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses must remain agile and forward-thinking to outpace the competition.

How to Promote Inclusion and Diversity

Teams responsible for marketing communications today have a major effect on how the public thinks and feels. 

Driving Digital Transformation Through Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of digital marketing and has the potential to significantly impact a company’s digital transformation.

Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Knowing your customer intimately is the first step to easy sales. Until you know; (1) who your customers are, (2) what they want, and (3) what motivates them to buy,

6 Types of Immersive Experiences That Win Over Your Customers

Flashy, highly modern tech gadgets aren’t the only way of creating an “out-of-the-box” experience for consumers. 

Understanding Your Target Market

A big mistake that many small business owners make is to latch on to the next big thing without first understanding the market and what it wants (not what it needs).

Top Tips for Email Sequences

One mistake many people make when creating their email sequences is that they forget to prime the line. Unless people are intimately aware of the problem you’re solving,

3 Challenges of an Email Marketing Channel

Email is a very powerful and personal channel. It allows you to create compelling campaigns with a high degree of automation.

How to Create a Sustainability Communication Plan

Get ready to dive into the world of sustainability communication strategies! 

Marketing Funnels as SOP’s

A common denominator throughout every successful organisation is their ability to standardise what they do. 

Strategy vs Tactics

Marketing strategy is all about your overall marketing goals. It’s the thing that points you in the right direction by helping you to articulate where you want to go. It’s the overview.

Your Value Proposition

Companies who are looking to launch, grow or diversify need to communicate how their product or service is different AND better than its competitors. 

Email Deliverability and Why It Matters

Email Deliverability is one of those confusing terms. There is a big difference between the Delivery Rate and Deliverability Rate.

The Lead Process Ecosystem

Doing more with less has become a corporate mantra. Its rippling effects are felt at all levels of an organisation; however, most companies simply aren’t taking full advantage

RS Eco World Choose Studiowide

We’re delighted to announce that RS Eco World, one of the UK’s leading providers of eco-friendly cleaning products, have chosen Studiowide as their full-service marketing partner to provide top-tier marketing strategies and processes.

Direct Affinity Europe Choose Studiowide

We’re pleased to announce that Direct Affinity Europe, the UK motor trade’s leading contact centre, have selected Studiowide as their full-service marketing partner

Woodbank Office Solutions Choose Studiowide

We’re delighted to announce that Woodbank Office Solutions, one of the UK’s largest suppliers of printing solutions

Creating Your Product Story

Campaign driven marketing is all about creating angles. It’s about playing cupid between the supplier and the customer.

Sharing in Growth Choose Studiowide

We are pleased to announce that Studiowide has been selected as a full-service marketing partner for Sharing in Growth. We will be providing strategic marketing

Guide to Revenue Marketing

Not only have we witnessed the marketing function in business-to-business marketing transforming before our eyes, it’s also having

Content Creation Inspiration Guide

The purpose of this article is to provide you with a starting point for your content, and, inspire some new ideas.

KeyChoc Choose Studiowide

We’re delighted to announce that KeyChoc, a worldwide manufacturer and provider of chocolate machinery, have chosen Studiowide as their full-service marketing partner.

LinkedIn for Lead Generation

There are over 26 million LinkedIn members in the UK. If you only make 100 highly targeted connection requests each week, around 25-50 of your target customers will accept the connection

How to Successfully Launch a Product

Launching a product is like a well-choreographed ballet. There is a star – your product –which is well supported behind the scenes. For this product to succeed

What Makes You Different?

The key to unlocking your company’s marketing is discovering what makes your company different. This is your sustainable competitive advantage, and once you discover it, you can develop it further

Choosing a Marketing Strategy

If you’re in the process of setting up a business, changing direction or planning for growth, then you will probably be faced with a few options to consider when it comes to your Marketing Strategy.

Our Guide to Brand Loyalty

When considering what a brand is, many people associate a brand with a logo. Yes, a Product or a Company logo is certainly the visual identity of a brand, but when it comes to brand

Internal Marketing Audits

Internal marketing audits are essential to keeping your marketing efforts running smoothly. Think of your internal marketing audit as giving your marketing strategy an MOT

Humanutopia Choose Studiowide

We are delighted to announce that Humanutopia have selected Studiowide as their full-service marketing partner! The educational consultants create and deliver life-changing courses

Premseal Choose Studiowide

Premseal, the leading national manufacturer of profiled foam fillers and supplier of core sealing products for the roofing, cladding, glazing, coldstore and maintenance sectors, has selected Studiowide as their full-service marketing partner.

Containers Direct Choose Studiowide

We are pleased to announce that Containers Direct have chosen Studiowide as their retained marketing partner, for another year running,

How to Make Advertising Work

Whilst most advertisements could win design competitions, many don’t deliver on the simple, fundamental, characteristics required for effective marketing

Phoenix Safe Choose Studiowide

We are pleased to announce that Phoenix Safe Company have chosen Studiowide as their retained Marketing Company for the 2nd year running.

Phoenix Safe are a world leader in manufacturing

Push, Pull & Profile Strategies

Push, Pull and Profile are the 3 P’s in an organisations marketing communications strategy.

A Push Strategy promotes a product

Marketing audits – PESTLE

Simply put, a marketing audit is an analysis of your current marketing efforts and an assessment of the ways in which it can be improved.

Marketing Environment – Micro

The micro-marketing environment consists of certain forces that are part of an organisation’s marketing process, but remain external to the organisation.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis model (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is the most common marketing tool for structuring your marketing audits. The purpose of

Promotional Mix – Sales Promotions

Sales promotions are tactical activities used as part of the overall promotional mix. They’re intended to produce quick and short-term changes in consumer or

The Marketing Mix

The marketing mix, often referred to as the 4P’s is probably the most well-known concept in marketing. It’s the set of marketing tools that a company uses to pursue its marketing objectives in a chosen target market.

The Marketing Audit

What is a Marketing Audit?

The marketing audit is basically a structured analysis and review of your current marketing activities carried out through an examination of your marketing strategies, tactics and objectives.

Marketing Orientation

Business orientations are classified into the following groups: Production Orientation, Product Orientation, Sales Orientation, and Market Orientation.

The Role of Marketing

Marketing has taken a variety of forms as it’s developed over the years. A common and extremely incorrect view is that selling and advertising is marketing.

Developing your Corporate Story

The Corporate Story is written in order to provide organisations with a starting block for developing a strategic message. The story helps you to understand

Creating a Strong Brand

Corporate Identity and the Reputational Platform.

Creating a strong corporate identity is a priority for every business. However, there aren’t many companies who are able to create

Corporate identity & brands

Corporate Personality
Personality is at the heart of an organisation, it’s the character, ‘the way things are done around here’ and can be viewed as

Corporate Reputation

There are 3 elements to Corporate Reputation. (These are referred to as the reputational radar.)

1) Brand Reputation: how the public perceives a brand.

Marketing Planning

Marketing planning is a roadmap which consists of strategic and tactical (day-to-day) organisational marketing activities that are required to drive your company forward,

Marketing Planning Cycle

The marketing planning cycle; Analyse, Planning, Implementation and Control (APIC) is a model used to visually illustrate the 4 stages of planning within a marketing environment.